Let me briefly sum up the various deliveries bowled by right arm and left arm bowlers to right-handed batsmen and how they 'behave' :-
- Out swinger: This moves in the air from leg to off and leaves the batsman.
- In swinger: This moves in the air from off to leg and comes into the batsman.
- Off cutter: this comes into the batsman after pitching.
- Leg cutter: This leaves the batsman after pitching and goes towards the slips.
- leg Spin: After pitching, the ball turns from leg to off.
- Googly: After pitching, the ball comes into the batsman from off to leg
- Flipper: This goes straight after pitching.
- Off spin: This turns and comes into the batsman from off to leg, after pitching.
- Straight ball: After pitching, this goes straight or moves slightly away from the batsman.
- Left arm off spin: After pitching, this goes from leg to off.
- Arm ball or armer: This comes in slightly, or goes straight, to the batsman.
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