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Cricket is a game in which confidence plays a very important if not crucial, part. Every player, whether a batsman or a bowler, should possess this quality and should have faith in his own abilities. Cricket can be compared to a game of chess, in which one has to constantly read the opponent's mind and anticipate his strategy and accordingly plan a counter strategy. One should never underestimate one's own talent, and, at the same time, should not be overwhelmed or cowed down by the name and fame of the opponent, however formidable he may be. one should remember that while competing on the field, it is on a one-to-one basis; therefore, why should a player imagine himself to be inferior or unworthy? However, no player should take the opposition lightly or casually and become overconfident. A captain should explain all these points lucidly to each and every player, so that the entire team approaches the game in a positive frame of mind. Captaincy is an inborn trait. It does not necessarily follow that all good players are good captains. A good captain is one who can turn a losing game into a winning one, by providing the required guidance, motivation, pep and grit. Obviously, a captain cannot win a match by himself but requires the support of the other players in ensuring success.

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